Carolina Custom Booth manufactures and distributes high quality booths and now offers table tops. We have a hardworking, dedicated team of employees. Our company consists of a friendly yet professional office staff, an unbelievable crew of sewers, cutters and upholsters, an outstanding custom wood shop, and last but definitely not least our very own delivery team. We pride ourselves in producing a high quality product at a competitive price to be delivered in a timely fashion to the end user.We have striven to acheive ultimate success and success to us is being able to produce long lasting products which the customer will be satisfied with in the long run.
working on new Sushi type restaurant in Indiana. I would like a catalog as well as a rep for my area in indiana. Reid Zoll
looking to view your line and capabilities
l need 5 double booth and 4 single you have something used?
Address plehace